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30 Hours

All 3 and 4-year-olds in England already get 15 hours a week of free early years education. If their parents are living and working in England, 3 and 4-year-olds may be entitled to 15 additional hours free childcare. 30 funded hours became available in September 2017.


Children are eligible the term after their 3rd birthday.


To be eligible, you (and your partner if you have one), must either:

  • each expect to earn at least £120 a week or work more than 16 hours at the National Living Wage (unless you became self-employed less than 12 months ago), or each expect to earn at least £113 a week or work more than 16 hours at the National Minimum Wage (unless you became self-employed less than 12 months ago)
  • each expect to earn at least £61.92 a week if you're under 18, £84.80 a week if you're aged 18-20 or £52.80 a week if you're an apprentice (either under 19 or in the first year of your apprenticeship)

You, and your partner, must also both:

  • live in England
  • expect to have income of less than £100,000 each a year


If you’re eligible for the extra hours, you sign up online to get a code to give to your childcare provider to reserve your place. 


Follow the link below to apply for the additional 15 hours of free childcare:
