Our Mission, Vision and Values
Our Vision
Our vision is for East Prescot Road Nursery School to be the beating heart of the community we serve: a place of encounter, discovery, love, growth and transformation, where everyone belongs and everyone thrives.
We seek to unlock the full potential of every child through irresistible learning, rich experiences and high-quality interactions.
We strive to become an innovative, inclusive and collaborative community of learners, promoting the wellbeing, involvement and growth of all, working in close partnership with families.
We commit ourselves to doing our very best in our common pursuit of excellence and enjoyment in early years education:
- every experience
- every child
- every moment
Our Values
As we play, learn and grow together, we will endeavour to live and act by our shared values of friendship and trust.
Fairness Everyone is equally important.
Respect We show consideration towards others
Integrity We do what is right, not what is convenient
Empathy We learn to understand others’ feelings
Nurture We protect and encourage others to grow
Dignity Our wishes and choice are respected
Sincerity We are true to who we are
Honesty We speak the truth
Inclusion Everyone is involved; nobody is excluded
Partnership We work as a community
Tolerance We work through our differences
Responsibility We take ownership for our choices
Understanding We are forgiving and sympathetic
Safety Safeguarding is our highest priority
Transparency We are open and accountable.
Our Mission
'Roots to Grow, wings to fly'
In partnership with our children, families and community, we commit ourselves to the following mission:
I. To support every child to develop their independence and autonomy
II. To give every child a positive self-image
III. To provide equal access to our rich and engaging curriculum
IV. To respect every child as an individual, who determines and instigates their own learning
V. To enable every child to learn and grow in order to realise their full potential: physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually
VI. To develop our children’s understanding of gender, need, ability, race, religion and culture in a positive way that is underpinned by our common British Values
VII. To work together with our families in the spirit of mutual respect
VIII. To provide every child with the skills to articulate their needs, interests and rights
IX. To equip every child with the dispositions and attitudes for lifelong learning.
Together, may we give all of our children the roots to grow and wings to fly